Threat-Informed Defense: Build detection coverage against the attacker behaviours using MITRE ATT&CK® Matrix

The threat landscape is changing. Attackers are becoming more sophisticated by the day. As a result, organisations need to shift towards a threat-informed defence.

Understanding defences from the adversary's perspective is critical, but teams often lack the resources to conduct adversary simulation exercises. Hence, there is a dire need to visualise and understand your defences from an attacker's POV, bringing the fundamental requirement to operationalise automation of MITRE ATT&CK® matrix.

FourCore ATTACK leverages the latest threat intel mapped with MITRE ATT&CK framework to cover the threat landscape comprehensively. Get data-based answers to KPIs like current risk level, vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in your infrastructure. Remediate quickly and constantly validate with FourCore ATTACK.

With FourCore's expansive attack library mapped to MITRE ATT&CK Techniques, you can build comprehensive detections to have confidence in your security posture.